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Toluene diisocyanate (mixed isomers) (RN: 26471-62-5)
TRI - 111 on-site TRI releases reported nationwide in 2007
Superfund - 2 NPL sites nationwide with this contaminant skip to facilities identify links
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TRI TRI Description; ; link open in new window [Save results] Superfund Superfund Description; link open in new window [Save results] Demographic Demographic Description; link open in new window
: 2007
: 2007
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Legend [hide values | show values]
Release Amount
0 to 2,400 lbs2,401 to 4,800 lbs4,801 to 7,200 lbs7,201 to 9,600 lbs9,601 to 12,000 lbs
National Priorities List Final StatusNational Priorities List Deleted StatusNational Priorities List Proposed Status
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