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We have three editions of these high-quality, spiral bound booklets available:

Surviving Driving

How to keep your car out of the junkyard, keep your insurance rates down, keep your driving records clean... and keep yourself alive! This guide focuses on the dangerous attitudes and habits of younger drivers. (Note: Currently out of stock)


Addresses the importance of educating our military members about the risks associated with recreation and off-duty activities. Can be used to develop your own “24/7” campaign.

Human Factors Analysis and Classification System ( HFACS)

Developed as a tool to guide in root cause analysis. Also useful for developing interview questions, determining potential ORM hazards, and detecting human-error trends.

For copies, email our Public Affairs Officer. Include your mailing address and tell us how many copies you'd like. Copies (and booklets about other safety topics) are also available for purchase from Luxart Communications, 3325 Griffin Road, Suite 222, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312, 800-329-3291.

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