Olympia J. Snowe
United States Senator for Maine
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Legislative Activity - FY 2010 Appropriations Requests

Below are the letters that I have sent to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittees requesting appropriations for projects in our state or, in some cases, projects that will affect Maine. These projects have been vetted and will be further reviewed by the Subcommittees. Should they be accepted by the Subcommittees, they will be part of the appropriations bills to be considered by the full Senate Appropriations Committee and then the full Senate. As requests are made they will be posted here.

Appropriations Requests

  • Letter to Subcommittee on Defense Senate Appropriations
    OJSSMCRSMS7102009.pdf | 1.2 MBs

  • Energy and Water Development Appropriations Requests
    EnergyandWaterLetterFinalSnowe.pdf | 808.5 KBs

  • FY 2010 Interior Appropriations Letter
    InteriorAppropsLetterFinal.pdf | 802.9 KBs

  • FY 2010 Labor, HHS Approprations Letter
    FY2010LaborHHSAppropsLetterFinal.pdf | 1.2 MBs

  • Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Requests
    THUDAppropsLetterFinal.pdf | 948.5 KBs

  • FY 2010 Military Construction/Veterans Affairs Appropriations Requests
    FY10MILCONVA.pdf | 110.8 KBs

  • FY 2010 Defense Appropriations Requests
    FY10DEFENSEAPP.pdf | 875.0 KBs

  • Homeland Security FY 2010 Appropriations Requests
    HomelandAppropsLetterFinalSnowe.pdf | 1.2 MBs

  • Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriations
    CJSLetterFinalSnowe.pdf | 705.4 KBs

  • Agriculture Appropriations Requests
    FINALAgAppropsLetterFinalSnowe.pdf | 1.2 MBs

  • State Foreign Ops
    StateForeignOpsLetterFinalSnowe.pdf | 1.0 MBs

  • Defense Authorization Requests
    SASCDefenseAuthorizationRequests.pdf | 817.0 KBs

  • FY 2010 Financial Services and General Government Approps
    FSGGLetterforWebsite.pdf | 595.8 KBs