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Lead Standards

EPA To Reconsider Portions of Lead Monitoring Requirements
July 22, 2009 -- EPA will reconsider certain portions of its ambient air quality monitoring requirements for lead. Specifically, the agency will review requirements be placed near sources that emit 1 or more tons of lead each year, along with requirements that monitors be operated in urban areas of 500,000 or more.

Final Revisions to National Air Quality Standards for Lead
November 12, 2008 - EPA has substantially strengthened the national ambient air quality standards for lead. The revised standards will improve health protection for at-risk groups, especially children.

EPA announces an extension to the lead NAAQS schedule and public comment period
July 2, 2008 - EPA received a court order extending the deadline for the notice of final lead NAAQS rulemaking to October 15, 2008 and extending the public comment period on the proposed rule to August 4, 2008.

EPA Announces Availability of Regulatory Impact Analysis for Proposed Lead Standards
June 27, 2008 - EPA has completed its benefits and costs analysis of the proposal to strengthen the national air quality standards for lead, which EPA issued on May 1, 2008. The regulatory impact analysis is designed to inform the public and states about the potential costs and benefits of implementing the proposed standards. It is not a part of the standard selection process.

Public Hearings on Proposed Lead Standards June 12
EPA held public hearings Thursday, June 12, 2008 in Baltimore and St. Louis to take comment on the agency’s proposal to dramatically strengthen the nation’s air quality standards for lead. The agency also will accept written comment through July 22, 2008 (extended to August 4, 2008).

EPA completes Socio-Demographic Analysis as part of the Lead Air Quality Standards Review
May 20, 2008 - EPA has conducted a limited screening-level analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of populations living near ambient air lead monitors and stationary sources of lead emissions. EPA completed the analysis consistent with Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations.

Proposed Revisions to Lead National Air Quality Standards
May 1, 2008 - The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for lead. The proposed revisions would significantly strengthen the lead standards. EPA will accept comments for 60 days after the publication of the proposal in the Federal Register.

EPA Announces Public Hearings for Proposed Lead Air Quality Standards
May 1, 2008- EPA will hold public hearings in St. Louis, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, on June 12, 2008 to receive comments on the proposed National Ambient Air Quality Standards for lead. More information on the hearings is provided in the public hearing notice.

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Lead National Standards
December 5, 2007- The EPA has released an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) as part of its review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for lead.  The purpose of the ANPR is to invite comment from the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and all interested parties on a wide variety of issues, including policy options, related to the agency’s ongoing review of the lead NAAQS before the agency issues its proposal.

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