We Recognized A Business Problem:


·          Obsolete e-forms software not compatible with current technology

·          Multiple design packages in use governmentwide

·          Lack of management tools for electronic documents

·          Public access difficult


We Defined Our System



·          Screen-fillable forms on the Web with easy public access

·          Capture existing images from any and all design packages

·          Compatible with any scanner

·          Quick easy field mapping

·          Search tools to assist customers in locating federal documents.


We Developed A Solution:


·          Screen fillable forms on the Web

·          Front-end compatibility with any design package or scanner

·          XML tagging  for use with databases

·          Search engine to locate and retrieve forms

·          Customers can fill, print, save, email and fax directly from the web


We Met Requirements for Section 508:


·          Software detects use of JAWS Screen Reader and displays the form in simple text question-and-answer format.

·          Field-by-field assistance is provided upon request

·          Form prints normally

·          Same form for all users.  No special design requirements.


GSA Results:


·          80% GSA stored electronically

·          500 forms now available on the web

·          Easy access, control, fill, revision

·          Eliminated obsolescence cost

·          Eliminated 500 forms

·          $3.2 million annual savings

·          Nearly 300 forms are now available for the visually impaired


GSA Contacts --

Office of Governmentwide Policy, Forms Policy Division


Donald T. Jodrie

Director, Printing and Forms Policy Division




Jan Wendler

Systems Specialist, Forms Policy Division

