2009 Kit

About Recovery Month

Social Media Comment Policy

Recovery Month has a presence on a number of social media platforms. User-submitted comments may be available depending on the platform. For all platforms and options for comments, our comment policy remains the same.

User-submitted comments represent the thoughts and opinions of the individual publishing the comment and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of or endorsement by Recovery Month, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). However, if a comment does not adhere to this comment policy or to the below terms and conditions of the site, Recovery Month reserves the right to remove the comment without prior notice.

Where comments are welcomed, we encourage users to use the feature to share their thoughts, questions, and opinions. However, comments that do not adhere to the following guidelines will be subject to deletion:

Please be sure your comment is relevant to the video, photo, or post to which you’re commenting. If you would like to communicate something to Recovery Month or CSAT that does not pertain to the existing conversation or content, you can contact us here. Personal attacks and foul language are not tolerated. However, constructively adding to the discussion is encouraged. Comments should contribute to the dialogue and be respectful of CSAT, SAMHSA, HHS, the Recovery Month Planning Partners, and other commenters.

In particular, please note that Recovery Month is sponsored by SAMHSA and CSAT, within HHS. Recovery Month may edit, remove, or refuse to add any content on this site if it conflicts with or has the potential to be misconstrued as conflicting with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ policies and principles.