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U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute

Fast Stats

Update May 29, 2009: Statistics on 2006 cancer mortality now available.

Fast Stats is an interactive tool for quick access to key SEER and US cancer statistics for major cancer sites by age, sex, race/ethnicity and data type.
Statistics are presented as graphs and tables.

View Statistics Stratified by...

Cancer Site
Compare statistics for selected cancer sites.
Compare cancer statistics by both race and sex.
Compare cancer statistics by race or by the expanded race/ethnicity groupings.
Age at Diagnosis/Death
Compare statistics by age groups for a selected cancer site, race, and sex.
Compare the differences between male and female cancer statistics.
Data Type
Compare Incidence, Delay-adjusted Incidence and Mortality cancer statistics.

Suggested software citation: Fast Stats: An interactive tool for access to SEER cancer statistics. Surveillance Research Program, National Cancer Institute. (Accessed on 8-13-2009)