Enviro-Health Links -
Lead and Human Health


Glossaries and Dictionaries

Data and Research

Specific Aspects


Occupational Exposure

Schools and Child Care Centers

Testing for Lead


Wild Birds and Lead Shot or Sinkers

Law and Policy

Searches from the National Library of Medicine

TOXLINE - Special journal literature, technical reports and archival collections

Hazardous Substances Data Bank - Toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals

ChemIDplus - Chemical identification and structure database

Household Products Database - Health and safety information on household products

Tox Town - Consumer introduction to environmental health and toxic chemicals

TOXMAP - Mapping chemical releases into air, water, and ground

MedlinePlus - Consumer Health Information

NLM Catalog - Access to information about books and other materials in NLM's catalog


Información en Español


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Last updated: 20 July 2009
First published: 22 November 2005
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanent: Dynamic Content