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U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute

SEER Abstracting Tool (SEER*Abs)

The SEER Abstracting Tool (SEER*Abs) allows cancer tumor registrars to collect and store data abstracted from patients' medical records. SEER*Abs features include:

  • Ability to create abstract, casefinding, and other types of records; define custom screen layouts; and export data in any file format.
  • Management of abstracting assignments via the SEER*Abs worklist.
  • Direct or indirect synchronization of abstracted data with the registry's main data management system.
  • Access to reference data loaded from the central registry's main database.
  • Full integration of edits to validate data. SEER Edits are packaged with the system; custom edits can be defined.
  • All components can be customized by registry staff.

The SEER*Abs software is in development and is not available for full release. Questions related to SEER*Abs can be directed to

Reference Manuals