Welcome to Serve.gov. This website is a new portal for you and all Americans to find your own ways to serve in your own communities. You will be able search for community service opportunities in your community or across the nation.
Serve.gov seeks to encourage community service across the country from all who want to help. Accordingly, Serve.gov asks all participants to agree to the following Terms of Participation:
Serve.gov is an official government website and available to the public. By searching for a community service opportunity using tools provided by Serve.gov, you may be re-directed to a third party site to display your community service volunteer opportunities.
We ask all those who elect to participate to conduct themselves in a civil manner - to refrain from posting threats, obscenity, abusive language, sexually explicit material, posts that would include unauthorized publishing of private and confidential information, and material that would violate the law if published.
These are terms of an agreement between you and
Serve.gov. By clicking FIND A
acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by
these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.