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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

James Brigagliano, Daniel Gallagher Named Co-Acting Directors of SEC Division of Trading and Markets


Washington, D.C., April 27, 2009 — Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Mary Schapiro today named James Brigagliano and Daniel M. Gallagher as Co-Acting Directors of the SEC's Division of Trading and Markets, replacing Erik R. Sirri, who left the agency on April 24.

Brigagliano and Gallagher are currently Deputy Directors of the Division, which oversees the Commission's programs related to securities and options exchanges, brokers, dealers, clearing agencies, transfer agents, and, since 2007, credit rating agencies.

"Jamie and Dan are both skilled leaders who can be counted upon to provide wise counsel in the oversight of trading practices and market regulation," said Schapiro, who became SEC Chairman in January. "I look forward to working closely with both of them to protect investors and restore confidence in the marketplace."

Mr. Brigagliano is a 20-year SEC veteran who joined the Division in 1998. He has managed oversight of trading practices, including rules regulating short sales and market manipulation. Previously, Mr. Brigagliano served in the SEC's Office of General Counsel, representing the Commission in a wide range of matters in federal district and appellate courts. Mr. Brigagliano received his law degree from Georgetown University and undergraduate degree from Amherst College.

Mr. Gallagher was named Deputy Director of the Division in 2008 after working on market regulation and enforcement matters as a counselor to former SEC Chairman Christopher Cox and former SEC Commissioner Paul S. Atkins. In those capacities, Mr. Gallagher worked on major rulemakings including the implementation of the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act and several broker-dealer initiatives. Mr. Gallagher was formerly the General Counsel of a clearing broker-dealer, and he began his career in private practice advising clients on broker-dealer regulatory and enforcement matters. Mr. Gallagher earned his J.D., magna cum laude, from the Catholic University of America, and he received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University.

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Modified: 04/27/2009