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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Robert Malhotra Named Senior Advisor in SEC Office of the Chief Accountant


Washington, D.C., Feb. 5, 2009 — The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that Robert B. Malhotra has been named to serve in the SEC's Office of the Chief Accountant (OCA) as a senior advisor. In this capacity, Mr. Malhotra will advise the senior officers in OCA on complex accounting and auditing matters, and will assist in the development of strategic objectives that need to be pursued to support the Commission's agenda.

Mr. Malhotra has been serving as a Professional Accounting Fellow in OCA. In this capacity, he has primarily focused on a variety of accounting and reporting matters, including the accounting for consolidations, financial assets, business combinations, and postretirement benefit arrangements.

"I am very pleased that Bob has agreed to take on a senior advisory role," said James L. Kroeker, the SEC's Acting Chief Accountant. "His expertise with issues associated with fair value measurements and off-balance sheet arrangements, along with his judgment in dealing with complex issues, will benefit OCA, the capital markets, and investors."

Prior to joining the SEC staff, Mr. Malhotra was a senior manager with KPMG LLP, where he worked in the firm's Department of Professional Practice. Mr. Malhotra is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati.

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Modified: 02/05/2009