Committee on Science and Technology
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All Items taged with: NPOESS

National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) is a partnership between NOAA, NASA, and the Department of Defense

Jun 17, 2009  Hearing
Continuing Independent Assessment of the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System

Jun 17, 2009  Requested Report
[GAO] Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellites

Jun 17, 2009  Press release
Subcommittee Examines Troubled NPOESS Program

Jun 19, 2008  Hearing
An Insecure Forecast for Continuity of Climate and Weather Data: The NPOESS Weather Satellite Program

Jun 19, 2008  Press release
GAO Report Reveals Continuing Problems With NPOESS

May 16, 2008  Requested Report
[GAO] ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITES: Polar-orbiting Satellite Acquisition Faces Delays

Jun 07, 2007  Hearing
Status Report on the NPOESS Weather Satellite Program

Jun 07, 2007  Press release
Committee Questions Lack of Action to Restore Climate Sensors to NPOESS Weather Satellite Program

Jun 08, 2006  Hearing
The Future of NPOESS: Results of the Nunn-McCurdy Review of NOAA’s Weather Satellite Program

Jun 08, 2006  Press release
NPOESS/Nunn-McCurdy Findings Leave Unanswered Questions on the State of U.S. Weather Forecasting Satellites

May 15, 2006  Press release
Democrats Call For NOAA Leadership's Removal

May 12, 2006  Letters to Admin
Letter to the President Requesting Dismissal of NOAA Administrator and Deputy Administrator

May 11, 2006  Hearing
Inspector General Report on NOAA Weather Satellites

May 11, 2006  Letters to Admin
Letter to the President Asking for White House Involvement in the NPOESS Nunn-McCurdy Program Review

May 11, 2006  Press release
Dems Demand Answers on NOAA Satellite Project Billions Over Budget and Behind Schedule

May 08, 2006  Requested Report
[NOAA OIG] Poor Management Oversight and Ineffective Incentives Leave NPOESS Program Well Over Budget and Behind Schedule

Nov 16, 2005  Hearing
Ongoing Problems and Future Plans for NOAA Weather Satellites

Nov 16, 2005  Press release
NPOESS Program Deep in the Red

Jul 15, 2003  Hearing
NOAA Satellites: Will Weather Forecasting Be Put at Risk?

Jul 25, 2002  Requested Report
[GAO] POLAR-ORBITING ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITES: Status, Plans, and Future Data Management Challenges

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