
FTC Premerger Notification Office Contact Information

  Phone E-Mail
For General Information and Status of Filing (202) 326-3100 HSRhelp@hsr.gov
Deputy Assistant Director
Jones, Robert L.
(202) 326-2740 rjones@ftc.gov
Administrative Staff    
Hallman, Renee (202) 326-3589 rhallman@ftc.gov
Kingsberry, Theresa (202) 326-3786 tkingsberry@ftc.gov
Peay, Sandra M. (202) 326-2844 speay@ftc.gov
Berg, Karen E. (202) 326-2960 kberg@ftc.gov
Catt, Malcolm L. (202) 326-2911 mcatt@ftc.gov
Clark-Coleman, Sheila (202) 326-2759 scoleman@ftc.gov
Ferkingstad, James (202) 326-2510 jferkingstad@ftc.gov
Johnson, Janice (202) 326-3101 jcjohnson@ftc.gov
Verne, B. Michael (202) 326-3167 mverne@ftc.gov
Walsh, Kathryn E. (202) 326-2977 kwalsh@ftc.gov
* Requests for filing status and transaction numbers should be addressed to the general PNO number: (202) 326-3100. The Premerger staff receives hundreds of calls each week, thousands of calls every year, asking for interpretations of the HSR statute and rules. Many of the questions can be answered by reference to the statute, rules and information contained on this web site. Given the high volume of calls, we recommend that you review these online materials before placing a call to the PNO. It is also helpful if you wait until the structure of the transaction is as close as possible to being finalized before calling to analyze HSR reportability. If you still have questions after reviewing these materials, we will be happy to speak with you. When calling, in order to serve you better, please have your facts and references before you, including the structure of the transaction and all relevant factors. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Filings should be submitted to the PNO and the Premerger Unit at DOJ:
Federal Trade Commission
Bureau of Competition
Premerger Notification Office
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 303
Washington, DC 20580
Department of Justice
Antitrust Division
Office of Operations
Premerger Notification Unit
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 3335
Washington, DC 20530
(For non-USPS deliveries, use ZIP code 20004.)
Telephone: (202) 326-3100. Telephone: (202) 514-2558
Fax: (202) 326-2624 Fax: (202) 514-2363

Special Notice Concerning Delivery of Filings to the Premerger Notification Office
Please note that security measures in place at the Commission may cause delays in the receipt of filings sent via shipping companies such as FedEx and UPS.  All shipped packages must be processed by the mailroom before delivery to the PNO.  This processing may take some time.  The waiting period for the transaction does not start until receipt of all relevant filings by the PNO.  If starting the waiting period by a certain date is crucial to the transaction, the safest ways to submit a filing are by direct courier or by filing electronically.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 22-Oct-2008 14:10:00 EDT