Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) (Health)
How to Get Help
OPM does not have any specific information on current employee health plan enrollment, and we cannot individually advise you on the best plan for you.
These web pages can help with many questions:
To get additional assistance:
- Current employees and their families should contact the employing agency Human Resources Office or the health plan. If you aren't sure which Human Resources Office to contact, see our list of agency headquarters benefits officers.
- Annuitants may contact OPM by telephone or mail following the instructions on the retirement programs home page.
Comments on the Website
We can provide help with problems in using the FEHB website, and are happy to receive suggestions for improving that site. These may be sent to insure-webmaster@opm.gov.
Our mailing address is:
U. S. Office of Personnel Management
Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, Room 3424
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415-0001
Disputed Claims
You have the right to file a claims dispute with the Office of Personnel Management after exhausting the carrier's own appeal procedures. The plan brochure includes specific instructions on how to file such a claim, and who to send it to in our office. See our Disputed Claims page.
Reporting Suspected Fraud
Suspected fraud should be reported to our Office of the Inspector General if you do not receive satisfaction in your efforts to resolve the matter with your health plan. Instructions are found on our Health Care Fraud page.
Agency Policy Questions
Agency headquarters offices may send questions concerning interpretation and technical guidance on FEHB law, regulations and policy to fehb@opm.gov. Agency field offices should contact their headquarters. Employees should direct questions to their Human Resources Office.
Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) (Dental/Vision)
For enrollment/premium questions regarding the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, please contact BENEFEDS at 1-877-888-3337. To enroll in FEDVIP, please visit www.BENEFEDS.com.
Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI) (Life)
Current Coverage
OPM does not have specific information on FEGLI coverage for current employees or annuitants. If you have questions regarding your current FEGLI coverage (if any), you must contact your Human Resources Office or local personnel office. Annuitants must contact the OPM Retirement Office at 1-888-767-6738 or send an email to retire@opm.gov. Your employing agency maintains all of your records (including designation of beneficiary forms, if any.)
OPM and OFEGLI do not have access to your records. Please do not email us asking how much coverage you have, or asking who your current beneficiary is.
These web pages can help you with many questions.
Comments on the Website
We can provide help with technical questions on the FEGLI website and are happy to receive suggestions for improving the site. Please send an email to insure-webmaster@opm.gov. Do not send questions about the FEGLI program or your FEGLI coverage to this address.
Agency Questions
Agency headquarters officers may send questions concerning interpretation and technical guidance to fegli@opm.gov. Agency field officers should contact their headquarters. Employees should direct their questions to their agency Human Resources Office.
Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS)
For further information, visit www.fsafeds.com or call 1-877-372-3337, TTY 1-800-952-0450. For comments on our website, please send your thoughts to fsa@opm.gov
Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) (Long Term Care)
You can reach Long Term Care Partners (LTCP), administrator of the Federal Program, at:
1-800-LTC-FEDS (1-800-582-3337) (TTY: 1-800-843-3557)
LTCP regular hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Eastern Time. If you would like to:
- Request literature about the Program, press option 1.
- Get help completing your application or have general questions about the Program, press option 2 to speak with a Certified Long Term Care Insurance Consultant.
- Ask questions about your application, if you have already applied, or about your coverage, if you are a current enrollee, press option 3.
International Callers
If you are calling from outside the United States, please use the steps below to contact us by phone:
- Locate your AT&T Direct Code
- Dial your code (you may have to speak to an operator) followed by: 1-800-582-3337*
* Note: Some countries may not allow toll-free calls. If you are unable to call using the toll-free number above, please dial the following number using the normal method you use to call the U.S.: 603-433-4589.
Send Correspondence to:
Long Term Care Partners, LLC
PO Box 797
Greenland, NH 03840-0797
Mail Applications to:
Long Term Care Partners
P.O. Box 797
Greenland, NH 03840-9803
Fax: 1-800-632-3892
Mail Premium / Bill Payments to:
Long Term Care Partners, LLC
P.O. Box 981079
Boston, MA 02298-1079