
41-B (10)

Pad 39-A (22)
10th Shuttle mission
4th Flight OV-099
1st KSC landing


Vance D. Brand (3), Commander
Robert L. Gibson (1), Pilot
Bruce McCandless II (1), Mission Specialist
Ronald E. McNair (1), Mission Specialist
Robert L. Stewart (1), Mission Specialist


OPF - Sept. 10, 1983
VAB - Jan.6, 1984
PAD - Jan. 12, 1984



Mission Objectives:

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February 3, 1984, 8:00:00 a.m, EST. Launch set for Jan. 29 postponed five days while orbiter still in OPF to allow changeout of all three auxiliary power units (APUs), a precautionary measure in response to APU failures on previous STS-9mission. Launch Weight: 250,452 lbs.


Altitude: 189nm
Inclination: 28.5 degrees
Orbits: 128
Duration: 7 days, 23 hours, 15 minutes, 55 seconds.
Distance: 3,311,380 miles


SRB: BI-010
ET : 10/LWT-3
MLP : 2
SSME-1: SN-2109
SSME-2: SN-2015
SSME-3: SN-2012


February 11, 1984, 7:15:55 a.m, EST, Runway 15, Kennedy Space Center. Fla. Rollout distance: 10,815 feet. Rollout time: 67 seconds. First end-of-mission landing at KSC. Landing Weight: 201,238 lbs.

Mission Highlights:

First untethered space walks by McCandless and Stewart, using manned maneuvering unit. WESTAR-VI and PALAPA-B2 satellites deployed, but failure of Payload Assist Module-D (PAM-D) rocket motors left them in radical low-Earth orbits. German-built Shuttle Pallet Satellite (SPAS), first flown on STS-7, became first satellite refurbished and flown again. SPAS remained in payload bay due to electrical problem with Remote Manipulator System (RMS). RMS manipulator foot restraint first used, practice procedures performed for Solar Maximum satellite retrieval and repair planned for next mission. Integrated Rendezvous Target (IRT) failed due to internal failure. Five Get Away Special canisters flown in cargo bay and Cinema-360 camera used by crew. Other payloads: Acoustic Containerless Experiment System (ACES); Monodisperse Latex Reactor (MLR); and Radiation Monitoring Equipment (RME), and Isoelectric Focusing (IEF) payload.

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Last Updated Friday June 29 11:21:02 EDT 2001
Jim Dumoulin (dumoulin@titan.ksc.nasa.gov)