Welcome to the NEW OPM.GOV/Insure
We've redesigned our website to make it easier for you to find the information you need to make important decisions about our benefit programs. We've overhauled the format of this site to target those instances when you typically want to make changes, based on life events or your career status.
This website can be navigated by audience group, Program type, or Life Events. By navigating through one of the audience groups, you will find a list of common questions to help guide you to the information you need. The menu bar lists all of our Programs, which takes you directly to specific information about that Program. The Life Cycle Events section has a listing of common events that may occur during or after your Federal career. You will see what actions you may need to take for each of the Programs.
Audience Groups:
The New/Prospective Employees section is designed for the types of benefit questions that a new Federal Employee or a person who is considering employment in the Federal Government may have.
The Federal Employees section addresses the kinds of questions Federal employees may have.
The Retirees or Family Members section answers questions important to Federal retirees or family members of an employee or retiree.
The Benefits Officers section will help staff members find resources for their day-to-day activities.

Benefit Programs
The site design universal features include a menu bar that easily allows you to go to the topic of your choice. You will find it on all of the pages to which the redesign applies. Any archived information will be accessible after you enter one of the program pages.
The Menu bar is a portal to the Main Page, to the Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Flexible Spending Accounts, Long Term Care, Life Events and how to Contact Us.
The Health Page provides access to information on the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. You can review plan premiums (rates), plan brochures, eligibility, continuation, cancellation and other facts.
The Dental Page guides you through information on the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). You can review plan premiums (rates), plan brochures, eligibility, cancellation and other facts.
The Vision Page guides you through information on the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). You can review plan premiums (rates), plan brochures, eligibility, cancellation and other facts.
The Life Page takes you through the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Program. You can find information about eligibility, enrollment, premiums (rates) here, death claims, and beneficiary forms here.
The Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAFEDS) Page provides information about the three different flexible spending accounts (FSAs): a health care flexible spending account, a limited expense health care flexible spending account, and a dependent care flexible spending account.
The Long Term Care Page provides information on the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP).
The Life Cycle Events Page contains a listing of common events that may occur during or after your Federal career. It's divided into three sections: life, job, and retirement events.
The Glossary Page has a listing of common insurance terms and their definitions.
The Contact Us Page contains information on how to contact the Office of Insurance Programs which administers these programs and maintains this site.

The Help Me Find and Quick Links on the right hand tool bar are links to our most requested pages.