Local and Rural Road Safety Program

W - Beam Guardrail and end treatment installed on the outside of a horizontal curve.

Local highway agencies often do not have the resources needed to adequately address safety problems on the roads they maintain. The FHWA Local and Rural Safety Program provides national leadership in identifying, developing, and delivering safety programs and products to local and officials and governments to improve highway safety on local and rural roads.

Rural road safety is a particular concern, because the majority of highway fatalities take place on rural roads. Rural roads account for approximately 40 percent of the vehicle miles traveled in the U.S., but almost 57 percent of fatalities. According to recent data, 23,260 people were killed in rural crashes in 2007 and the fatality rate for rural crashes is more than twice the fatality rate in urban crashes.

Crash Facts

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Funding, Policy and Guidance

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Training, Tools, Guidance and Countermeasures for Locals

The following training, tools, guidance and countermeasures are currently available to rural and local governments. The Office of Safety, Local and Rural team is continuously looking for new ways to meet the needs of local and rural road owners and operators. Insuring that tools meet the needs of the users and that they have the resources and training they need to effectively use the tools is a critical part of the solution.

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Safety Programs

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Partners and Resources

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Program Contact

Karen Timpone


John Dewar


What's New

Safety Circuit Rider Programs Best Practices Guide

Rural/Urban Comparison Traffic Safety Fact Sheet (DOT-HS-810-996)

Vegetation Control for Safety – A Guide for Local Highway and Street Maintenance Personnel

W-Beam Guardrail Repair – A Guide for Highway and Street maintenance Personnel