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Substance Abuse



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender, Education, and Income

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 26: Substance Abuse  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Substance Abuse Focus Area 26

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

1. Access to Quality Health Services
1-1. Persons with health insurance
1-3. Counseling about health behaviors
1-4. Source of ongoing care
1-5. Usual primary care provider
1-6. Difficulties or delays in obtaining needed health care
1-7. Core competencies in health profession training
1-8. Racial and ethnic representation in the health professions
1-10. Delay or difficulty in getting emergency care
1-11. Rapid prehospital emergency care
1-12. Single toll-free number for poison control centers
1-13. Trauma care systems
1-14. Special needs of children

3. Cancer
3-10. Provider counseling about cancer prevention

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-2. Feelings and depression among children with disabilities

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-1. High school completion
7-2. School health education
7-3. Health-risk behavior information for college and university students
7-4. School nurse-to-student ratio
7-5. Worksite health promotion programs
7-6. Participation in employer-sponsored health promotion activities
7-10. Community health promotion programs
7-11. Culturally appropriate and linguistically competent community health promotion programs
7-12. Older adult participation in community health promotion activities

9. Family Planning
9-8. Abstinence before age 15 years
9-9. Abstinence among adolescents aged 15 to 17 years
9-10. Pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted disease (STD) protection
9-11. Reproductive health education
9-12. Problems in becoming pregnant and maintaining a pregnancy

13. HIV
13-3. AIDS among persons who inject drugs
13-4. AIDS among men who have sex with men and who inject drugs
13-8. HIV counseling and education for persons in substance abuse treatment
13-13. Treatment according to guidelines

14. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
14-28. Hepatitis B vaccination among high-risk groups

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-12. Emergency department visits
15-13. Deaths from unintentional injuries
15-14. Emergency department visits for nonfatal intentional injuries
15-15. Deaths from motor vehicle crashes
15-16. Pedestrian deaths
15-17. Nonfatal motor vehicle injuries
15-18. Nonfatal pedestrian injuries
15-29. Drownings
15-32. Homicides
15-37. Physical assaults

16. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
16-17. Prenatal substance exposure
16-18. Fetal alcohol syndrome

18. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
18-6. Primary care facilities providing treatment
18-10. Treatment for co-occurring disorders
18-13. State plans addressing cultural competence

23. Public Health Infrastructure
23-2. Public access to information and surveillance data
23-3. Use of geocoding in health data systems
23-4. Data for all population groups
23-6. National tracking of Healthy People 2010 objectives
23-7. Timely release of data on objectives
23-8. Competencies for public health workers
23-9. Training in essential public health services
23-10. Continuing education for public health personnel
23-11. Performance standards for essential public health services
23-12. Health improvement plans
23-14. Access to epidemiology services
23-15. Review and evaluation of public health laws
23-17. Population-based prevention research

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
25-11. Responsible adolescent sexual behavior
25-13. Hepatitis B vaccine services in STD clinics

27. Tobacco Use
27-1. Adult tobacco use
27-2. Adolescent tobacco use
27-3. Initiation of tobacco use
27-4. Age at first tobacco use
27-5. Smoking cessation by adults
27-6. Smoking cessation during pregnancy
27-7. Smoking cessation by adolescents
27-8. Insurance coverage of cessation treatment
27-9. Exposure to tobacco smoke at home among children
27-10. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
27-11. Smoke-free and tobacco-free schools
27-12. Worksite smoking policies
27-13. Smoke-free indoor air laws
27-14. Enforcement of illegal tobacco sales to minors laws
27-15. Retail license suspension for sales to minors
27-16. Tobacco advertising and promotion targeting adolescents and young adults
27-17. Adolescent disapproval of smoking
27-18. Tobacco control programs
27-19. Preemptive tobacco control laws
27-20. Tobacco product regulation
27-21. Tobacco tax

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