Department of Health and Human Services logo

Environmental Health



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender, Income, and Location

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 8: Environmental Health  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Environmental Health Focus Area 8

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

1. Access to Quality Health Services
1-7. Core competencies in health profession training
1-12. Single toll-free number for poison control centers

3. Cancer
3-1. Overall cancer deaths
3-2. Lung cancer deaths
3-8. Melanoma deaths
3-9. Sun exposure and skin cancer
3-10. Provider counseling about cancer prevention
3-14. Statewide cancer registries

4. Chronic Kidney Disease
4-1. End-stage renal disease

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-12. Environmental barriers affecting participation in activities

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-2. School health education
7-10. Community health promotion programs

10. Food Safety
10-1. Foodborne Infections
10-2. Outbreaks of foodborne infections
10-5. Consumer food safety practices

11. Health Communication
11-1. Households with Internet access
11-2. Health literacy
11-4. Quality of Internet health information sources

12. Heart Disease and Stroke
12-1. Coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths

14. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
14-31. Scientific knowledge of vaccine safety

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-7. Nonfatal poisonings
15-8. Deaths from poisoning
15-10. Emergency department surveillance systems
15-11. Hospital discharge surveillance systems
15-12. Emergency department visits
15-13. Deaths from unintentional injuries
15-14. Emergency department visits for nonfatal unintentional injuries

16. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
16-10. Low birth weight and very low birth weight
16-11. Preterm births
16-14. Developmental disabilities

20. Occupational Safety and Health
20-1. Work-related injury deaths
20-2. Work-related injuries
20-7. Elevated blood lead levels
20-8. Occupational skin diseases or disorders

22. Physical Activity and Fitness
22-14. Community walking
22-15. Community bicycling

23. Public Health Infrastructure
23-2. Public access to information and surveillance data
23-3. Use of geocoding in health data systems
23-4. Data for all population groups
23-6. National tracking of Healthy People 2010 objectives
23-7. Timely release of data on objectives
23-8. Competencies for public health workers
23-9. Training in essential public health services
23-10. Continuing education for public health personnel
23-11. Performance standards for essential public health services
23-12. Health improvement plans
23-13. Access to public health laboratory services
23-14. Access to epidemiology services
23-15. Review and evaluation of public health laws
23-17. Population-based prevention research

24. Respiratory Diseases
24-1. Deaths from asthma
24-2. Hospitalizations for asthma
24-3. Hospital emergency department visits for asthma
24-4. Activity limitations
24-5. School or work days lost
24-6. Patient education
24-7. Appropriate asthma care
24-8. Surveillance systems

27. Tobacco Use
27-9. Exposure to tobacco smoke at home among children
27-10. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
27-11. Smoke-free and tobacco-free schools
27-12. Worksite smoking policies
27-13. Smoke-free indoor air laws

28. Vision and Hearing
28-16. Hearing protection
28-17. Noise–induced hearing loss in children
28-18. Noise–induced hearing loss in adults

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