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Access to Quality Health Services



Modifications to Objectives and Subobjectives

Progress Toward Healthy People 2010 Targets

Progress Toward Elimination of Health Disparities

Opportunities and Challenges

Emerging Issues

Progress Quotient Chart

Disparities Table (See below)

Race and Ethnicity

Gender and Education

Income, Location, and Disability

Objectives and Subobjectives


Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

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Midcourse Review  >  Table of Contents  >  Focus Area 1: Access to Quality Health Services  >  Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas
Midcourse Review Healthy People 2010 logo
Access to Quality Health Services Focus Area 1

Related Objectives From Other Focus Areas

2. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions
2-2. Activity limitations due to arthritis
2-3. Personal care limitations
2-6. Racial differences in total knee replacement
2-7. Seeing a health care provider
2-11. Activity limitations due to chronic back conditions

3. Cancer
3-10. Provider counseling about cancer prevention
3-11. Pap tests
3-12. Colorectal cancer screening
3-13. Mammograms

5. Diabetes
5-1. Diabetes education
5-4. Diagnosis of diabetes
5-11. Annual urinary microalbumin measurement
5-12. Annual glycosylated hemoglobin measurement
5-13. Annual dilated eye examinations
5-14. Annual foot examinations
5-16. Aspirin therapy

6. Disability and Secondary Conditions
6-7. Congregate care of children and adults with disabilities
6-10. Accessibility of health and wellness programs

7. Educational and Community-Based Programs
7-2. School health education
7-3. Health-risk behavior information for college and university students
7-5. Worksite health promotion programs
7-12. Older adult participation in community health promotion activities

9. Family Planning
9-1. Intended pregnancy
9-2. Birth spacing
9-3. Contraceptive use
9-5. Emergency contraception
9-6. Male involvement in pregnancy prevention
9-10. Pregnancy prevention and sexually transmitted disease (STD) protection
9-11. Reproductive health education
9-13. Insurance coverage for contraceptive supplies and services

11. Health Communication
11-2. Health literacy
11-6. Satisfaction with health care providers' communication skills

12. Heart Disease and Stroke
12-1. Coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths
12-15. Blood cholesterol screening

13. HIV
13-6. Condom use
13-8. HIV counseling and education for persons in substance abuse treatment

14. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
14-5. Invasive pneumococcal infections
14-22. Universally recommended vaccination of children aged 19 to 35 months
14-23. Vaccination coverage for children in day care and kindergarten
14-24. Fully immunized young children and adolescents
14-25. Providers who measure childhood vaccination coverage levels
14-26. Children participating in population-based immunization registries
14-27. Vaccination coverage among adolescents
14-28. Hepatitis B vaccination among high-risk groups
14-29. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination of high-risk adults

15. Injury and Violence Prevention
15-7. Nonfatal poisonings
15-8. Deaths from poisoning
15-10. Emergency department surveillance systems
15-12. Emergency department visits
15-19. Safety belts
15-20. Child restraints
15-21. Motorcycle helmet use
15-23. Bicycle helmet use
15-24. Bicycle helmet laws

16. Maternal, Infant, and Child Health
16-1. Fetal and infant deaths
16-2. Child deaths
16-3. Adolescent and young adult deaths
16-17. Prenatal substance exposure
16-18. Fetal alcohol syndrome
16-20. Newborn bloodspot screening
16-22. Medical homes for children with special health care needs
16-23. Service systems for children with special health care needs

17. Medical Product Safety
17-5. Receipt of oral counseling about medications from prescribers and dispensers

18. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
18-6. Primary care facilities providing treatment
18-7. Treatment for children with mental health problems
18-8. Juvenile justice facility screening
18-9. Treatment for adults with mental disorders
18-10. Treatment for co-occurring disorders
18-11. Adult jail diversion programs or mental health courts
18-12. State tracking of consumer satisfaction
18-13. State plans addressing cultural competence
18-14. State plans addressing elderly persons

19. Nutrition and Overweight
19-1. Healthy weight in adults
19-2. Obesity in adults
19-3. Overweight or obesity in children and adolescents
19-4. Growth retardation in children
19-17. Nutrition counseling for medical conditions
19-18. Food security

21. Oral Health
21-7. Annual examinations for oral and pharyngeal cancers
21-10. Use of oral health care system
21-11. Use of oral health care system by residents in long-term care facilities
21-13. School-based health centers with oral health component
21-14. Health centers with oral health service components
21-15. Referral for cleft lip or palate
21-16. Oral and craniofacial State-based surveillance system
21-17. Health agency dental programs

22. Physical Activity and Fitness
22-12. School physical activity facilities
22-13. Worksite physical activity and fitness
22-14. Community walking
22-15. Community bicycling

23. Public Health Infrastructure
23-2. Public access to information and surveillance data
23-3. Use of geocoding in health data systems
23-8. Competencies for public health workers
23-9. Training in essential public health services
23-10. Continuing education for public health personnel
23-12. Health improvement plans
23-13. Access to public health laboratory services
23-14. Access to epidemiology services

24. Respiratory Diseases
24-6. Patient education
24-7. Appropriate asthma care
24-11. Medical evaluation and followup

25. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
25-11. Responsible adolescent sexual behavior
25-13. Hepatitis B vaccine services in STD clinics
25-16. Annual screening for genital chlamydia

26. Substance Abuse
26-18. Treatment for alcohol or illicit drugs
26-20. Treatment of injection drug use
26-21. Treatment for alcohol abuse
26-22. Hospital emergency department referrals

27. Tobacco Use
27-5. Smoking cessation by adults
27-7. Smoking cessation by adolescents
27-8. Insurance coverage of cessation treatment

28. Vision and Hearing
28-1. Dilated eye examinations
28-2. Vision screening for children
28-10. Vision rehabilitation services and devices
28-11. Newborn hearing screening, evaluation, and intervention
28-13. Hearing aids, assistive listening devices, and cochlear implants
28-14. Hearing examination

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