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Advanced computer modeling supporting NASA missions.

Advanced computer modeling supporting NASA missions.

J. Charles Barbour

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Complete Annual Report (5.1MB PDF)

Science Matters Articles

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The Truman Fellowship Program

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Postdoctoral Professional
Development Program



Committed to science with the mission in mind, Sandia creates innovative, science-based, systems-engineering solutions to our Nation's most challenging national security problems.  Sandia's guiding principals for ST&E ensure that the fundamental science and engineering core is vibrant and pushing the forefront of knowledge. Enabling our programs by effective application of that science base allows us to respond to current needs as well as anticipate the future.

Our Science, Technology and Engineering strategy is to create, integrate and apply capabilities to address national security challenges through investments in six research foundations:

  bio science image   Bioscience 
Our work in biosciences investigates cellular and biomolecular processes and phenomena, including work in membrane science, materials synthesis, protein engineering, and state-of-the-art cellular imaging.  More...
red storm computer bank   Computers and Information Science
Cutting-edge research and development in high-performance computing and algorithms. Sandia is home to Red Storm.  More...
engineering science image   Engineering Sciences
Computational and experimental work across a full spectrum of engineering mechanics disciplines: thermal, fluids, aerosciences, solid mechanics, and structural dynamics.  More...
materials image   Materials Science and Technology
Provides national leadership in materials sciences including the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, or CINT.  More...
microelectronics   Microelectronics & Microsystems
Home to MESA, the world’s only fabrication facility that combines silicon processing with fabrication of compound semiconductors under one roof.  More...
pulsedpower   Pulsed Power
Focuses on creating, diagnosing, and modeling intense, submicrosecond repetitive pulses of X-rays and energetic beams for a wide variety of applications with Z-machine and other capabilities.   More...

World-class Capabilities

Sandia maintains a number of world-class, often one-of-a-kind capabilities.   Learn more about a few of them below:

extreme env Extreme Environments
Serving the nation by keeping stockpile stewardship in focus and high-yield fusion in view. More... (375KB PDF)

HPC image High Performance Computing
Leading the nation in developing and applying computational technologies and predictive simulation. More... (435KB PDF)

microsystem Microsystems
NNSA's sole fabrication facility develops and delivers fully custom microelectronics and microsystems that cannot or should not be made in industry.  More... (84KB PDF)
nano Nanotechnology
Integrating nanostructures into the micro and macro worlds by bridging the gap from scientific discovery to engineering innovation  More... (547KB PDF)

More Science & Technology Research Disciplines

Combustion, Chemical, & Plasma Sciences
Electronic Components
Intelligent Systems
Physical, Chemical, & Nano Sciences
Computation, Computers, Information and Mathematics

Manufacturing Engineering
Radiation Effects Science