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2009 Conference

Call for Presentations

The Call for Presentations is now closed (note exceptions below).  Thank you to everyone who submitted proposals!  Submitters will be notified about the status of their presentations by June 10, 2009.

Student Posters will be accepted until April 1, 2009.  Students click here for information about the Call for Presentations and login access to submit a poster presentation: Student Access>>

Poster proposals will be accepted until April 1, 2009.  Click here for information about the Research Symposium Call for Presentations and login access to submit a poster presentations: RS Poster Access>>

The review process for the annual conference has begun, so no reviewers are needed at this time; however, reviewers are still needed for the Research Symposium.  To learn more about volunteering and the review process, click here: Reviewer Information>>

Prospective Exhibitors/Advertisers

Purchase your booth now to ensure your first choice for booth location!  Click here to learn more: Exhibiting/Advertising Opportunities>>

 Power of Partnerships scaled 250 x 200

The Power of Partnerships -
Creative Leadership in Environmental Education
Portland, Oregon
October 7 - 10, 2009

6th Annual Research Symposium
October 6 - 7 (prior to NAAEE Conference)


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