Health Care Town Meeting with T.R. Reid -

Over 325 people came out to Senator Sanders “Town Meeting on Health Care” Monday, June 1st. Guest speak TR Reid, who made the PBS Frontline documentary, “Sick Around the World” shared his experience as to how five countries he visited are able to provide comprehensive universal healthcare to all of their citizens. You can see his film here. Also on the panel and pictured below are Dr. Monica Romanko who currently practices as an attending Physician at Milton Family Practice and serves as the Assistant Clinical Professor and Associate Residency Director of the Family Medicine Residency Program at the UVM School of medicine, Dr. John Brumsted, President of the Vermont Medical Society and the chief quality officer at Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, and Dr. Deborah Richter who practices family medicine in Cambridge, Vermont and is a past president of Physicians for a National Health Program. To watch the full town meeting click here.

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