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Frequently Asked Questions

NOTE: be sure to read the Curriculum Supplements News for up-to-date information.

Q. How much do the NIH Curriculum Supplements cost?
Q. What's the difference between the "Web Version," "Request Printed Materials," and "Download Teacher's Guide" of the NIH curriculum supplements?
Q. How long does it take to get the printed supplements?
Q. Can I download the printed supplements electronically?
Q. Can I order an extra copy of the printed supplements for my colleague?
Q. I would like extra copies of the CD-ROM. Will you send me "X" additional copies?
Q. I am having trouble burning extra copies of the CD-ROM. Is it copy protected?
Q. Why do you want my e-mail address?
Q. How do you use the personal information I enter?
Q. Whom should I contact with questions not covered in the FAQs?

Q. How much do the NIH curriculum supplements cost?

The NIH Curriculum Supplements are free to individuals in the United States and U.S. territories. Please see "Supplement Distribution Policy" for additional details.

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Q. What's the difference between the "Web Version", "Request Printed Materials", and "Download Teachers' Guide" of the NIH curriculum supplements?

Web Version
This is the entire curriculum supplement in HTML and PDF format. The supplement text can be viewed or printed and the optional multimedia activities accessed. Proceed to the teacher's guide section for complete details on all of the activities.

Request Printed Materials
Due to limited resources, only one print version of each NIH Curriculum Supplement will be mailed to U.S. (or U.S. territory) requestors. Other parties are requested to use the "Web Versions" or "Downloads."

Download Teacher's Guide
The "Download Teacher's Guide" link accesses a pdf file (~5 MB) of the curriculum supplement. This is all of the information you need for the classroom lessons, including background and masters for handouts and transparencies. Some of the lessons have an optional multimedia component, which is accessible through the Web Version.

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Q. How long does it take to get the printed supplements?

Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery.

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Q. Can I download the printed supplements electronically?

Yes, you can download them in their entirety right now. Each supplement is posted in PDF format. Access the multimedia activities with the Web Versions of each supplement. You cannot download the Web-based multimedia activities, yet. We're working on it.
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Q. Can I order an extra copy of the printed supplements for my colleague?

We do not grant requests for multiple copies for several reasons. First, we are obligated to evaluate customer satisfaction with our products. To do this, we must know who has requested and received them. Second, creating, field testing, printing, and distributing these supplements is an expensive endeavor. Since we have limited copies of the supplements, we believe they are most effectively used by teachers who sincerely want them—that is, teachers who make time to place an order.

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Q. I would like extra copies of the CD-ROM. Will you send me "X" additional copies?

Unfortunately, our program budget enables us to print only one CD-ROM for each copy of the supplement. However, you may reproduce items in the module, including the software, for classroom use. If your package came without a CD-ROM or the CD-ROM was broken, please contact us.

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Q. I am having trouble burning extra copies of the CD-ROM. Is it copy protected?

The CD-ROMs are not copy protected. If you are having problems getting a usable copy, try slowing down the software and making a copy at 4x speed instead of at 8x or higher speeds. You may want to read your software manual for "buffer underrun" problems.

TIP: Many CD-burning programs (EasyCD Creator, Nero Burn Rom, etc.) have image-burning capability. It allows you to duplicate a CD into an image file on the hard drive, and then you can burn a CD from the image file. This is useful if you need to duplicate more than one CD. Also, the "buffer underrun" is often eliminated because reading directly from the hard drive is much faster. This tip only applies if you are trying to copy from a CD-ROM reader to a CD-ROM burner. (If you are using a single CD-ROM reader-burner, the software will automatically create an image file for you.)

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Q. Why do you want my e-mail address?

Your e-mail address provides us with a cost-efficient way to notify you of important updates regarding your curriculum supplements. These updates will include new scientific content relevant to the individual supplements, announcements of new supplements being released, and newly developed Web sites that contain all the multimedia and printed materials for each supplement. (These sites will allow classrooms with multiple Web connections to use the materials simultaneously. The Web versions will also improve accessibility for individuals with hearing and visual impairments.)

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Q. How do you use the personal information I enter?

Please review our privacy statement.

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Q. Whom should I contact with questions not covered in the FAQs?

E-mail Dave Vannier at

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