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Ready to Logon?

Once your forms have been approved, click on the link to SLGSafe. The logon page will appear.

  • Enter the User Name provided to you by the Bureau of the Public Debt and your password. If you have not received your User Name or password, call our IT Service Desk at (304) 480-7777.
  • If you have questions about how to use SLGSafe, you will find a HELP button located on every page in SLGSafe.

Security and System Settings

  • When you use SLGSafe, make sure you have turned off the pop-up blocker on your Internet browser. If you're not sure how to do this, consult your technical support team.
  • To ensure your browser works optimally with SLGSafe, it should be equipped with 128-bit encryption for Secure Socket Layers. For optimal viewing, your display setting should be set to 800 X 600 with small screen fonts and medium browser fonts.
  • SLGSafe can accept standardized XML files of the Schedule of Securities from outside sources. For full specifications, follow the link below. For further questions, call the Special Investments Branch.

XML Specifications (PDF format, file size-95KB)

Administrator Duties

Here are some guidelines to help your administrator and backup administrator:

  • To add a new user, we require forms with original signatures. Be sure to include a seal on each 4144-5 form completed.
  • To delete a user, you may use the 4144-5 form or you may e-mail us. The e-mail must come from an administrator or backup.
  • To make a change in administrators, a 4144-5 form with signatures of the new administrators and backups and a seal is required. If the former administrator is to be deleted as a user, be sure to include that information on the front of the form.
  • We e-mail only the administrators and backups. It is your responsibility to forward information we send to you on to your users.

If you have questions, you can contact us.