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The impacts of mental health parity and managed care in one large employer group: A reexamination.

Posted on December 17, 2008 11:26

Topics: Health Care Financing | Insurance | Managed Care | Mental Health | Outcomes | Parity

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This article re-examines data on mental health carve-outs to managed behavioral health care organizations determining that increased access to treatment previously attributed to the carve-out owes largely to unrelated trends. 

Zuvekas, S. H., Rupp, A. E., & Norquist, G. S. (2005). The impacts of mental health parity and managed care in one large employer group: A reexamination. Health Affairs, 24(6), 1668-1671. DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.24.6.1668. http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/abstract/24/6/1668 © 2005 by Project HOPE. 

Authors: Samuel H. Zuvekas, Agnes E. Rupp, Grayson S. Norquist.

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