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Medicaid managed care and the distribution of societal costs for persons with severe mental illness.

Posted on December 15, 2008 15:59

Topics: Expenditures | Health Care Financing | Managed Care | Medicaid | Mental Health

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An analysis of Medicaid managed care among individuals with mental illness revealed that managed care is associated with reduced costs to Medicaid but that those savings were offset by private expenditures yielding no difference in the net societal cost of managed care.  This article goes on to discuss the importance of considering the distribution of societal costs in healthcare financing evaluations.   

Shern, D. L., Jones, K., Chen, H. J., Jordan, N., Ramoni-Perazzi, J., & Boothroyd, A. (2008). Medicaid managed care and the distribution of societal costs for persons with severe mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 165(2), 254-60. 15 Jan. 2008. DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2007.06122089 http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/165/2/254

Authors: David L. Shern, Kristine Jones, Huey Jen Chen, Neil Jordan, Josefa Ramoni-Perazzi, Roger A. Boothroyd. 

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