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Implementing the Institute of Medicine definition of disparities: an application to mental health care.

Posted on December 16, 2008 14:39

Topics: Expenditures | Health Care Financing | Mental Health

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This paper applies the Institute of Medicine’s definition of health service disparity—a difference between 2 groups in treatment or access not justified by differences in health or preference—to outpatient mental health treatment.  Findings indicate disparities between whites and blacks and between whites and Latinos which are greater than observed in other studies.  The authors point to the importance of monitoring disparities to gauge access to mental health care.  

McGuire, T. G., Alegria, M., Cook, B. L., Wells, K. B., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2006). Implementing the Institute of Medicine definition of disparities: an application to mental health care. Health Services Research, 41(5), 1979-2005. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4149/is_5_41/ai_n16818876

Authors: Thomas G. McGuire, Margarita Alegria, Benjamin L. Cook, Kenneth B. Wells, Alan M. Zaslavshy. 

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