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Financing Center of Excellence

HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study

Posted on April 29, 2009 16:29


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Data Set: HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study

Collected By: Rand for AHRQ

Sample Coverage and Dataset Characteristics: The HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study (HCSUS) collected information on a nationally representative sample of people in care for HIV infection. The original study was active from September 1994 to October 2000.

Key Variables: Usual Source of Care and Access to Care; Tests and Staging; Symptoms and Treatment; Insurance; Utilization; Residential History and Current Health; Quality of Life; Social Support and Coping; Unmet Needs; Mental Health; Patient Description; Knowledge; Contact and Tracking Information

Documentation: http://www.rand.org/health/projects/hcsus/

Indicative Studies/Presentations:

  • Bing, E. G., Burnam, M. A., Longshore, D., et al. (2001). Psychiatric Disorders and Drug Use Among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Adults in the United States. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58, 721-728.
  • Bogart, L. W., Collins, R. L., Cunningham, W., et al. (2005). The Association of Partner Abuse with Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Women and Men with HIV/AIDS. AIDS and Behavior, 9(3), 325-329.

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