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Financing Center of Excellence

Cost shifting under managed behavioral health care.

Posted on December 17, 2008 10:16

Topics: Health Care Financing | Managed Care | Mental Health | Prescription Drugs | Rates/Reimbursement/Cost | Substance Use

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This study of the implementation of a managed behavioral health care organization determined that there was no observable shift in treatment cost after implementation.  The study highlights the role of prescription drugs use and cost. 

Zuvekas, S. H., Rupp, A., & Norquist, G. (2007) Cost shifting under managed behavioral health care. Psychiatric Services, 58(1), 100-108.  DOI: 0.1176/appi.ps.58.1.100.  http://psychservices.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/content/abstract/58/1/100

Authors: Samuel H. Zuvekas, Agnes Rupp, Grayson Norquist. 

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