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Behavioral Health Benefits in Employer-Sponsored Health Plans, 1997

Posted on June 16, 2009 12:07

Topics: Insurance | Managed Care | Mental Health | Parity | Private Insurance | SAMHSA | Substance Use

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This study examines the state of behavioral health benefits in employer-sponsored health plans in 1997.  The study finds that at least 75 percent of such plans placed greater restrictions on M/SU benefits than on general medical coverage. 

The study is available through the Health Affairs website: http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/reprint/18/2/67.pdf 

Citation: Buck, J. A., Teich, J. L., Umland, B., & Stein, M. (1999) Behavioral health benefits in employer-sponsored health plans, 1997. Health Affairs, 18(2), 67-78.

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