The Basics
Pandemic flu is different than the common flu (or seasonal flu) that many people get each year. Pandemic flu is a global flu outbreak of a new flu virus that spreads easily from person to person.
Prepare yourself and your family for pandemic flu.
How serious is pandemic flu?
Not all pandemics are the same. Pandemics can range from mild to severe (with a lot of sickness and deaths).
A severe flu pandemic can infect a lot of people at the same time, causing schools, businesses, and even whole countries to shut down. Learn more about pandemic flu.
What about H1N1 flu (swine flu)?
"Novel H1N1 flu" (sometimes called swine flu) is a new pandemic flu virus. This means the virus is spreading quickly and easily from person to person and country to country. Learn more about H1N1 flu.
How can I prepare for pandemic flu?
Now is a good time to prepare your family for a pandemic. Prepare for pandemic flu like you would prepare for an emergency or a time when you might need to stay home for 1 to 2 weeks.
- Gather supplies.
- Make a plan.
- Prevent the spread of germs.
Take Action!
Now is a good time to prepare your family for a flu pandemic.
Gather supplies.
Print out this pandemic flu planning checklist (PDF – 668 KB) and share it with your family. Start gathering emergency supplies and put them in a safe place. Keep enough food, medicine, and other supplies to last 2 weeks.
Make a family emergency plan.
Talk with your family about what you will do if there is a severe flu pandemic. For example, what will you do if schools are closed?
Make a list of emergency contact information. Include the phone numbers for your local hospital, doctor, school, and other emergency contacts. Print out this emergency contacts form (PDF – 114 KB) to get started.
Write down important health information.
Print out this emergency health information sheet (PDF – 1.14 MB). Write down the health information for each member of your family. Include important information like:
- Allergies
- Health problems
- Medicine
Keep this information in a safe place.
Prevent the spread of germs.
Here’s what you can do to help stop the spread of germs that can cause the flu and other illnesses:
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water. You also can use alcohol–based hand cleaners.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Stay away from sick people.
- Stay home from work or school if you get sick. Limit contact with other people so you don’t get them sick.
- Follow the advice of local officials about school and other closings.