Unsignalized Intersections

Technical Implementation & Tools

  • NCHRP Report 500: Volume 05: A Guide for Addressing Unsignalized Intersection Collisions [HTML, PDF 1.41 MB]
    Unsignalized intersections pose a special problem for potential collisions because of the priority of traffic flow on the main road, particularly in rural and suburban areas.  This guide addresses objectives for reducing collisions in unsignalized intersections, either by improving the intersections and their approaches, or addressing driver compliance.

  • TCRP Report 112: Innovative Pedestrian Treatments at Unsignalized Crossings [PDF 3.66 MB]

  • Strategies to Address Nighttime Crashes at Rural, Unsignalized Intersections [PDF 2.69 MB]
    Center for Transportation Research and Education, Iowa State University, 2008 (IHRB Project TR-540, CTRE Project 05-220)

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Program Contact

Ed Rice


What's New

FHWA Guidance Memo Contains Provisions to Improve Intersection Safety

Presentation: Safety at Unsignalized Intersections

Presentation: Safety Aspects of Roundabouts

Presentation: Unsignalized Intersection Safety Strategies (NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 5)

Presentation: Signalized Intersection Safety Strategies (NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 12)


Presentation: Safety at Signalized Intersections

Presentation: Red Light Running

Strategic Intersection Safety Program Guide