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The Marketing and Public Affairs Department uses data sources available worldwide and information provided by command personnel, industry partners, and private businesses. The staff develops and executes the command's marketing plan that optimizes the Fleet's knowledge and use of the Safety Center's capabilities, products, expertise, and services.
  • Strategic Planning - An annual strategic planning session is hosted by the Department's Strategic Planning Team to study safety processes and their effectiveness. During these sessions, the department's staff meets with the Commander, directorates, and department heads to establish goals and objectives, implement strategies, and execute the command's strategic plan.
  • Road Programs/Command Visits - The staff  participates in road programs and surveys to provide marketing liaison with the fleet. During these visits, the liaison conducts briefings about how marketing programs can be fully utilized to their advantage.
  • Liaison for Safety Advocacy Groups - In keeping with the constantly-changing safety industry, staff members research and analyze trends that could be of value to the command's operations. The staff has access to local and national organizations that promote safety.
  • Exhibits and Conferences - The staff represents the Safety Center at local, regional, and national safety exhibits and conferences sponsored by the military and government agencies. This department coordinates these events and ensures the booths displayed at these exhibits contain valuable information regarding the command's services, products and contacts.

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