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Media Guidelines

National/International Media: Please contact the Navy Chief of Information Office (CHINFO) at (703) 697-5342 (DSN 227-5342).

Local Media: Contact the Command Public Affairs Officer (PAO) at 757-444-3520 x 7312 or e-mail

To request an interview: Contact the Command Public Affairs Officer at 757-444-3520 x 7312 or e-mail

To request data and statistics: For general data and statistics, please e-mail a detailed list to The list must contain the following information:

  • Focus of story (aviation, ships, recreation, occupational safety, etc.)
  • Timeframe of data being requested (month, date, year)
  • Type of data (for example: statistics on fatalities, injuries, etc.)
  • Deadline

To submit a FOIA request: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows any person, whether a U.S. or foreign citizen, to seek access to agency records concerning the operations, activities, and functions of the Executive Branch of Government (SECNAVINST 5720.44A CH-1). The Naval Safety Center requires that a written FOIA request be submitted if the information being requested involves data from mishap investigation reports. FOIA requests can be submitted by regular mail at the following address: Naval Safety Center, Code 03, 375 A Street, Norfolk, VA 23511 or electronically at

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