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60 years of exceptional service

Website showcases Sandia’s impacts to the nation


On May 13,1949, President Harry S. Truman asked AT&T to take on management of what is now called Sandia National Laboratories. In his letter to AT&T President Leroy Wilson, Truman said, "In my opinion, you have here an opportunity to render an exceptional service in the national interest." To commemorate Sandia’s 60th anniversary, the Labs' Media Relations & Communications group has put together 60 notable contributions in a new website: “60 Ways Sandia Has Impacted the Nation.” Each contribution’s description is limited to two sentences so that readers, especially those with no technical background, can quickly grasp their significance.






Sandia Lab News

JBEI fires ‘opening salvo’ with paper on deconstruction of switchgrass


Complexity research offers new design methods to strengthen cyber security


Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC) proposal gets green light from NNS

August 14, 2009 edition . . .

. . . and check out Labs Accomplishments 2009

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JBEI fires ‘opening salvo’ with paper on deconstruction of switchgrass

Complexity research offers new design methods to strengthen cyber security

Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC) proposal gets green light from NNS

The Lab News is published on alternate Fridays by Media Relations and Communications Dept. 3651, MS 0165.

Bill Murphy,, Editor, page owner(505) 845-0845
Mike Janes,, California site contact, (925) 294-2447