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Special Issue Magazine Now Available

ORM Magazine CoverOur special-issue magazine about risk management, entitled, "ORM: The Essentials," is in print. You can download HTML or PDF versions.

It provides guidance and tools to fleet users, both those who are up to speed on ORM and those who are just learning about it. It has articles and explanations about the basics of ORM; the steps, levels and principles; what ORM is and isn’t; and the roles and responsibilities of everyone up and down the chain of command. It also contains real-life scenarios about time-critical risk management, posters, assessment checklists, several case studies, success stories and best practices from the fleet, a guide to training resources, and FAQs.

Copies went out by mail to the distribution list of Sea&Shore magazine. The first issue went fast and we've had to order a reprint, which is due on August 24. If you didn't get any copies of the original printing or would like more, email our public affairs officer. We appreciate your patience. Please note that this is a one-time issue, not a recurring magazine. Remember to send us your mailing addresss and tell us how many copies you want.

POC: Webmaster | Department: Communications and Marketing |
Last revision: 8/8/07 | Last review:   8/8/07 | Approved by: Code 70 Director
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