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May 05, 2004
Stacey Farnen


WASHINGTON – House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer released the following statement today in response to press reports that the Bush Administration is going to request another $25 billion for the war in Iraq:

“I believe that failure is not an option in Iraq and I will support the funding necessary to finish the job.  The situation in Iraq is dangerous, and our servicemen and women deserve the best equipment and the best resources to do their job safely. There is absolutely no question that Democrats will continue to back our troops 100 percent as they work to secure and stabilize Iraq.”

“However, I am very disturbed by the President’s refusal to be straightforward on the costs of the war in Iraq.  The White House protested for months that a supplemental request would not be necessary until after the election, despite obvious indications that it would.

“Today’s request for $25 billion in supplemental spending for Iraq and Afghanistan is not a surprise, but rather the most recent episode in a pattern of secrecy by an Administration that refuses to share information with the American people even when confronted with facts that stand in opposition to their policies. 

“Democrats have repeatedly asked President Bush and his Administration for straight answers on the cost of the war.  Yet the President refuses to provide real answers.  And the Republican controlled Congress refuses to fulfill its constitutional obligation to act as a check and balance on this White House.  There are no checks and no balances in Washington today.

“And this announcement of $25 billion in deficit spending comes on the heels of House passage of yet another tax bill that will add to mounting deficits.  I would like to think that this news would bring a semblance of fiscal responsibility to the House Floor, but I won’t count on it."
