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December 19, 2006
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer on Van Hollen’s Appointment to be Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Incoming Majority Leader Calls Fellow Marylander a “Great Asset to Our State and Nation”

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader-Elect Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after Speaker-Designate Nancy Pelosi announced that she has appointed Rep. Chris Van Hollen (MD) to serve as Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee:

 “I discussed the DCCC Chairmanship with Speaker-Designate Pelosi and highly recommended Congressman Van Hollen to this very important position, and I congratulate him today.  Chris Van Hollen is a great asset for the State of Maryland, House Democrats and our nation.

 “I observed, with great admiration, Congressman Chris Van Hollen’s service in the Maryland General Assembly for 12 years and in the Congress during the last four years, and there simply is no question that Chris is a rising star in the Democratic Party.

 “Time and time again, Chris has demonstrated that he has the energy, intelligence and political acumen to succeed on a national political stage.  In this last election cycle, Chris played a critical role in recruiting the candidates across the country that helped House Democrats regain the Majority on November 7.  Now, in his new position at the DCCC, I know Chris will do everything in his power to help the Democratic Caucus strengthen our Majority."
