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Senators revive Immigration Bill

By Karoun Demirjian

Chicago Tribune

June 27, 2007

WASHINGTON - A comprehensive immigration bill that would boost control of U.S. borders and provide a path to citizenship for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S. was brought back to life Tuesday as the Senate voted 64-35 to resume debate on the controversial measure.

The move, which had been strongly pushed by President Bush, gave hope to the beleaguered immigration bill's advocates that it was showing new signs of life and could pass the Senate by week's end.

"We're back in the ball game," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

But Tuesday's vote was only a "motion to proceed," meaning the Senate will now resume the volatile debate it had abandoned about two weeks ago amid frustration and recrimination. It is not at all clear that senators who supported resuming debate would ultimately vote to back the bill itself, or upcoming procedural hurdles that must be cleared before the bill can be considered on its merits.

"I'm optimistic," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., an architect of the original bill. "But it can fall apart at any time."

Fierce battles are expected over the next two days, as the Senate considers a series of 27 amendments, some of which may derail support for the bill if they pass.

The parade of amendments begins with some of the most contentious, such as a proposal from Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, which would amend the bill to require that all illegal immigrants of working age currently in the U.S. "touch back" into their home country before they could obtain a "Z" visa and the temporary legal status that comes with it. Her proposal will be directly followed by a contradictory proposal from Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., who is seeking to do away with all touchbacks for illegal immigrants with work, education or family ties in the U.S.

Other amendments have also arisen as potential "poison pills" - though senators have been loath to call any proposals outright deal-killers. These include a motion by Sens. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, Max Baucus, D-Mont., and Barack Obama, D-Ill., to phase out tax information sharing between the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security now provided for in the bill, and a proposal by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., to add extra points for family reunification under the new merit-based system.

The bill's supporters are hopeful, however, that other amendments will settle questions and unresolved concerns for senators who might lend their support for the bill if certain changes are made. Sens. Graham, Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and Mel Martinez, R-Fla., are presenting a lengthy amendment with several security provisions - including a longer period for background checks, mandatory deportation and permanent ineligibility for re-entry to the U.S. for those who overstay their visas - in the hopes of placating Republicans who feel the measure isn't tough enough on enforcement.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., presented the full list of proposals Tuesday using an arcane Senate procedure known as a "clay pigeon," allowing him to group all 27 into a single amendment, divisible into component parts for debate once the measure reaches the floor.

Several of the bill's detractors have objected to this tactic, maintaining that the procedure is fundamentally unfair and stripping them of the right to offer their own amendments. Two such senators, Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and Jim DeMint, R-S.C., voiced their objections by demanding that the entire 373-page "clay pigeon" be read to the Senate. Although not all of it was read, the tactic effectively delayed debate on any of the component amendments until Wednesday.

The Senate is scheduled to begin working its way through the list of 27 amendments Wednesday morning, and Reid is expected to push for votes on as many of them as possible before the Senate votes Thursday on whether to cut off debate, and ultimately vote on the bill itself on Friday.

Despite Tuesday's vote to continue debate, supporters of the bill still face formidable opposition. Several of the 24 Republican senators who endorsed Tuesday's motion said they still may vote against the bill. Several Democrats may also eventually vote against the legislation if they feel that it has been amended to the extent that they can no longer support it.

But for now, the Bush administration is upbeat about its chances in winning Senate approval.

"Common sense and wisdom will prevail," said Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. "And this bill is all about common sense, wisdom and doing the right thing."

June 2007 News