Depicts clearances required for fingers and thumbs in the grasp space of door handles, handrails, and recessed knobs.  There are three sub-figures, one each for recessed door handles, recessed handrails, and recessed knobs.  The individual figures are available by selecting the links at the bottom of this page.

Figure 2.5: Providing Grasp Space Throughout Movement Distance


Depicts clearances required for fingers and thumbs in the grasp space of door handles, handrails, and recessed knobs. There are three sub-figures, one each for recessed door handles, recessed handrails, and recessed knobs. The individual figures are available by selecting the links at the bottom of this page.

2.5a Recessed Lever Door Handle
2.5b Recessed Handrail
2.5c Recessed Knob

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