House GOP Catholics Rebuke Speaker Pelosi’s Comments

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 27th, 2008

A letter spearheaded by GOP Policy Committee Chairman Thad McCotter (R-MI) — signed by 19 Catholic House Republicans including Republican Leader John Boehner – was sent last night to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) asking her to correct the record regarding her comments on abortion on NBC’s Meet the Press. The letter, attached in full here, asks Pelosi to correct the record:   

“To reduce the scandal and consternation caused amongst the faithful by your remarks, we necessarily write you to correct the public record and affirm the Church’s actual and historical teaching that defends the sanctity of human life.”


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House Republican Crime Fighting Agenda

Posted by GOP Leader Policy Office on June 11th, 2008

House Republicans are concerned about safe neighborhoods—and understand the need for tough legislation to fight child predators, identity theft, gang violence, and other crimes. According to the Department of Justice, one person is assaulted in the U.S. every 7.2 seconds, raped every 2.7 minutes, and murdered every 31 minutes. That means in the last hour, 500 Americans will have been assaulted, 22 raped, and 2 murdered.

Congress should do more to protect American families and to keep our communities safe. In the 110th Congress, Republicans have introduced more than 103 pieces of legislation to help fight crime, but Democrats have considered only 6 of these—and three of those are resolutions- worthy, but very minor and non-controversial measures . Responding to the anxieties of American parents and families, House Republicans have also devoted a significant section of their upcoming Security Agenda to bolstering neighborhood security.

Curiously, Congressional Democrats also ignored the recent National Police Week (May 12-16th), a time when thousands of law enforcement officers are in Washington to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our nation from criminals. Democrats only belatedly scheduled the bipartisan bill authored by Rep. Poe to honor law enforcement officers during the week after National Police Week.

House Republicans honor our nation’s law enforcement officers. As Rep. Dave Reichert, whose 33-year career in law enforcement included catching the Green River Killer, recently said:

“We’re free and safe because of the men and women in our local law enforcement and their daily sacrifices.

Rep. Reichert and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Lamar Smith recently took to the House Floor to highlight Republicans’ commitment to fighting crime:

Part one (Part two and three of Rep. Reichert’s remarks)

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Wash Times Boehner Op-Ed: Broken Promises

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on July 2nd, 2007

“In November, House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, triumphantly declared that ‘Democrats are prepared to govern and ready to lead.’ She said Democrats would make the 110th Congress ‘the most honest, ethical and open Congress in history.’ That was then.”

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Clone-and-Kill: Democrats’ Bill Forces Destruction of Human Embryos

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 6th, 2007

On the House floor today is the peculiarly titled Human Cloning Prohibition Act (H.R. 2560) which proponents say bans “reproductive human cloning.” But contrary to its name, this phony “ban” explicitly requires the killing of human embryos and permits a process that will inevitably lead to the cloning of human babies.

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Boehner op-ed in Human Events on Supreme Court Ruling

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on April 19th, 2007

Boehner op-ed in Human Events on the Supreme Court upholding the partial birth abortion ban.

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GOP Proposal Prohibits Criminals From Receiving Government Loans

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on April 18th, 2007

Today, House Republicans will offer a straightforward proposal to prevent taxpayer dollars from going to convicted felons.  The proposal – offered as a motion-to-recommit (MTR) on the Relief for Entrepreneurs: Coordination of Objectives and Values for Effective Recovery (RECOVER) Act (H.R. 1361) – protects taxpayers by denying federal small business disaster loans to criminals who have been convicted of or plead “no contest” to a felony, including but not limited to murder, kidnapping, or sexual assault.

The Democrats’ bill maintains current law which prevents money from going to a person only if they’ve committed a felony during a riot or civil disorder within the last year.  In other words, most convicted murderers are currently eligible for taxpayer-backed small business loans.

The Republican MTR improves H.R. 1361 by expanding on current law and prohibiting anyone who has been previously convicted of a felony from receiving federal subsidies and loans.  Those who commit a violent act such as murder should not be eligible for taxpayer-funded loans.

NOTE: House Republicans have successfully passed a number of other proposals in recent weeks with rank-and-file Democrats’ support, including:

  • A measure protecting innocent American passengers from being subject to frivolous civil lawsuits when they report potential terrorist activity aboard public transit systems (prompted by public outrage over last November’s “flying Imams” incident aboard a domestic airline flight in Minnesota).
  • A measure ensuring funds for federal water projects cannot be used to lobby or to retain lobbyists to attempt to influence federal, state or local governments or officials.
  • A measure protecting U.S. military recruiters from discrimination by federally-funded colleges and universities.

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Boehner Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on March 30th, 2007

Boehner op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this morning:

“The budget approved by Democrats on Thursday reverses 12 years of Republican tax cuts and pro-growth policies. It lays the groundwork for increasing personal income tax rates on middle-income families, slashing the child tax credit, reinstating the marriage penalty and bringing back the death tax.  We’ve seen this play before. The last time Americans faced a massive tax hike was in 1993 — the last time Democrats were in the majority. President Clinton campaigned on middle class tax cuts only to turn around and sign what was then the largest tax hike in history. But Clinton’s tax hike pales before this one.”

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Will Blue Dog Democrats Vote for the Largest Tax Increase in American History?

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on March 27th, 2007

Dozens of Blue Dog Democrats campaigned across America last year not as tax hikers, but as tax cutters.  Yet, while tens of millions of middle-class families are filling-out their 2006 tax returns, Democratic leaders are asking Blue Dogs to support the largest tax increase in American history.  Given the cost of living these days, middle-class families don’t need tax hikes – they need tax relief.  So Blue Dog Democrats have to ask themselves:

Will Blue Dogs Support a Budget that Increases Income Tax Rates, Reinstitutes the Marriage Penalty, and Slashes the Child Tax Credit?

  • Raising the 10 percent tax rate bracket to 15 percent would raise the taxes of more than five million individuals and families who previously owed no taxes.
  • Eliminating marriage penalty tax relief would cause tax hikes for 23 million taxpayers and middle-class families, on average, by $466 in 2011.
  • Cutting the child tax credit in half would raise taxes for 31 million taxpayers and middle-class families, on average, by $859 in 2011.

Will Blue Dogs Support a Budget that Hits Taxpayers of All Ages, from Families to Seniors?

  • An elderly couple with $40,000 in income would see their tax bill rise by 156 percent in 2011 – from $583 to $1,489.
  • A family of four with $60,000 in earnings would see their tax bill would rise from $3,030 to $4,893 in 2011 – that’s an increase of more than $1,850, or 61 percent.
  • A single parent with two children and $30,000 in income would lose 67 percent of her tax benefits in 2011.  With tax relief, this single parent qualifies to receive $2,414 back; with the Democrats’ tax hike, this single parent would only get back $799.

Will Blue Dogs Support a Budget that Raises Taxes on EVERY Working American and Middle-Class Family?

  • 115 million taxpayers would see their taxes increase, on average, by $1,795 in 2011.
  • 83 million women would see their taxes rise, on average, by $2,068.
  • 48 million married couples would incur average tax increases of $2,899.
  • Taxes would increase, on average, by $2,181 for 42 million families with children.
  • 12 million single women with children would see their taxes increase, on average, by $1,082.
  • 17 million elderly individuals would incur average tax increases of $2,270.
  • Taxes would rise, on average, by $3,960 for 26 million small business owners.
  • Over five million taxpayers who previously owed no taxes would become subject to the individual income tax as a consequence of the sunset.

Middle-class families already face a rising cost of loving, and the last thing they need from Washington politicians is a tax hike.  Republicans believe Congress can balance the budget in five years without raising taxes.  We can balance the budget by keeping taxes low, promoting economic growth, and putting an end to the excessive waste, fraud and abuse within the federal government.

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Middle Class Mugging: Dems Propose Largest Tax Hike in History

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on March 26th, 2007

When Democratic leaders started dusting off their playbooks from the early 1990s, everyone knew it was only a matter of time before massive tax hikes were on the table.  Now House Democrats are poised to deliver the largest tax hike in history, saddling taxpayers with nearly $400 BILLION in new taxes.  That means increasing personal income tax rates on middle-income families, slashing the child tax credit, reinstating the marriage penalty, and hiking taxes on dividends and investment earnings.

Given the cost of living these days, now is not the time to raise taxes.  They may just be lines on the page to House Democrats, but the tax hikes they’re proposing mean real dollars and cents to American families and small businesses.  Democrats’ plan will raise the tax bill for every working American – 115 million taxpayers will see their taxes go up by an average of $1,795. And if you’re married, have children, or own a small business, you’re in for extra punishment.

For example, 48 million married couples will face an average tax increase of $2,899. 17 million elderly individuals will pay an average tax increase of $2,270.  26 million small business owners will pay an average tax increase $3,960.  And more than five million individuals and families who would have seen their income tax liabilities completely eliminated will now have to pay taxes.

Meanwhile, Democrats have failed to make serious entitlement reform a priority, despite the enormous growth in spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  They have failed to protect middle class taxpayers from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).  And Democrats have completely failed to rein in runaway federal spending, proposing instead across-the-board spending increases.

These tax hikes are just the latest assault on taxpayers by Democrats.  After voting on the first day of the 110th Congress to make it easier to raise taxes on American families, Democrats have:

  • Imposed more than $6.5 billion in new taxes on American energy producers, which will lead to higher gas prices and higher energy bills for American consumers.

Republicans believe Congress can balance the budget in five years without raising taxes.  We can balance the budget by keeping taxes low, promoting economic growth, and putting an end to the excessive waste, fraud and abuse within the federal government.

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