May 2009

Dept. of Praise

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"Thie Congress has been as active and productive as any I can remember. The number of major bills passed and enacted into law, the serious, sustained activity in areas of broad, complex and critical importance, all are truly impressive."

− Norm Orstein, Roll Call, May 26, 2009

How Many Veterans in Congress?


In honor of Memorial Day, a quick tidbit of trivia: How many veterans are currently serving in the United States Congress?


That's 96 in the House. In the Senate, 25.

Congressman Rangel, himself, is a decorated Korean War veteran and he joins Americans across the country in saluting our men and women in uniform, past and present. Happy Memorial Day.

Surface Transportation Projects

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We have requested of the Transportation & Infrastructure Committee that the following projects in my district be funded in the upcoming Surface Transportation Reauthorization. All of these projects are either part of the transportation plans of the City of New York, the State of New York, or have been approved by the City or the State:

  • Design and construct safe routes to school projects in New York City;
  • Construction of Montefiore Plaza at Hamilton Place in Manhattan, NY;
  • Construction of Plaza de las Americas on West 175th Street in Manhattan, NY;
  • Construct an auxilary lane along the Southbound FDR Drive from 125th Street (RFK Bridge) to 116th Street to promote improved highway safety, operation and improve access to the Harlem community;
  • Design and construction of Bus Rapid Transit Improvements on the First and Second Avenue Corridor, Manhattan, NY;
  • Construct a tunnel connecting the Center for Science & Medicine with the Mt. Sinai Hospital's primary in-patient facility.

President's Budget Poll Results


Our entirely unscientific, just-for-fun Web site poll results are in for the month of March/April, and our online viewers overwhelmingly sided with the President and his budget proposal by a 78- to 22-percent margin.

Question: Do you support President Obama's budget proposal?


  77.8 %
  22.2 %

VOTE in our May poll right now!

The President's budget, also known as H. Con. Res. 85, passed 233 to 196 on April 2.

You can read the Ways and Means press release here.
Here are a few of my words on the matter:

"President Obama united this nation behind the hope for a stronger economy and a brighter future and this budget puts our nation back on track. The House Budget Resolution answers President Obama’s call for action on critical issues such as health reform, middle-class tax relief and clean energy policies to fuel our economy in the 21stCentury. By approving this budget, we take a step toward making critical investments in our cities, towns, and in working families across this great nation."

Congressman Rangel, as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, held a hearing in that committee where Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geitner answered questions regarding President Obama's budget. Here are few words from the Congressman about it:

"President Obama’s budget lays out a responsible, straightforward roadmap to put our nation back on track to prosperity.   This Administration is ushering in a new era defined by core principles of strengthening economic security for America’s middle-class and making overdue investments in health care, education, and infrastructure to make our nation stronger.

“The budget also provides a framework for simplifying our tax laws to close loopholes and make the code leaner and stronger.  I have no doubt that this budget outline will spur vigorous discussion, but it is a discussion we cannot shy away from.  I look forward to working with President Obama to move forward in a bipartisan manner to simplify our tax laws and help our workers and companies remain competitive internationally.

“For too long, hardworking families have watched their wages, savings and hopes dwindle – and at the same time, they have watched the wealthiest among us grow wealthier.  This Administration knows that the middle-class is the backbone of our economy, and this budget makes an investment in their future to help them take home more from each paycheck to provide for their families and rekindle the American dream.  The budget makes good on our promise to provide permanent tax relief for 95 percent of working families to help them restore some of the economic peace-of-mind that has been lost in recent years.

“We are also paving the way for comprehensive health reform to expand coverage and address skyrocketing health costs that threatens access for those with insurance and prevents tens of millions of Americans from getting the care they need.  By strengthening existing programs, we can lay a foundation for reform to ensure that everyone has access to affordable care that meets their needs.  President Obama has been clear from the beginning that the challenges we face will require tough decisions and this budget further demonstrates the strength of his leadership to guide our nation through these difficult times.

“President Obama’s budget offers a clear vision for the future, and a clean break from irresponsible budget gimmicks of the past that hid the true cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, so that the American people can see clearly how their hard-earned tax dollars are spent.  I look forward to working with President Obama and Congressional leaders to make this vision a reality so that we can pick our nation up out of this recession and build a brighter future for all Americans.”

A Lighthearted Moment



Me. Celebrating National Nurses Week. North General Hospital in Harlem.

We pulled through for our post-9/11 veterans and passed the new GI Bill for the 21st Century last Congress, restoring the promise of a full, four-year college education for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. The measure takes effect August 1, but you can sign up now, by applying for a certificate of eligibility here.

The measure generally provides up to four years of education benefits at a college or university for individuals with at least 90 days of active duty service on or after Sept. 11, 2001, who have been honorably discharged from service.

The benefits are correlated ton a sliding scale of years served. Full benefits require three years of active duty service. Here's what the program will pay for:

  • Tuition and fees of up to the maximum in-state tuition and fees at a public institution in your state;
  • A monthly housing allowance at the location of the school, based on the Basic Allowance for housing for an E-5 with dependents;
  • And an annual books and supplies stipend of up to $1,000

These benefits are generally payable for up to 15 years following release from active duty.

Sign up today. Those who would risk life and limb in defense of this country deserve the very best, and that includes the right to health care and education.

Swine Flu Resources


Looking for resources on the swine flu?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, and the World Health Organization are on the case, investigating and responding to the outbreak of swine flu, domestic and abroad. It is a time for caution but not alarm.

Stay safe by safeguarding yourself and your family as you would a normal flu − keeping sanitized by washing and disinfecting your hands, covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and remaining home from work in the event that you experience flu-like symptoms.

Peruse the links below to add to your knowledge of swine flu:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Provides general information, frequently asked questions − in English and Spanish − updated cases of infection by state, travel notices and press briefings

Department of Health and Human Services
Answers questions about swine flu.

Department of Homeland Security
Transcript of the April 26 press briefing with officials from the Department of Homeland Security, Centers for Disease Control and the White House.

Department of Agriculture
Includes statements by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack regarding USDA outreach efforts regarding swine flu and frequently asked questions

Department of State
Travel Alert to Mexico, 4.27.09

World Health Organization
Provides the latest information about the WHO’s global response to swine influenza outbreaks.

Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health
Hearing: “Swine Flu Outbreak and the U.S. Federal Response,” Thursday, April 30.

Homeland Security Committee
Swine flu resources.