The Jobs

>>> Buy American

The United States should stop sending billions of dollars to OPEC countries who intentionally keep oil prices high and support terrorism with U.S. money. We should spend the money right here at home. At today's prices, ANWR’s 10.4 billion barrels of oil equals $780 billion worth of investment here at home. It also means billions of dollars in federal revenue that could be used for Hurricane relief, Social Security, or prescription drugs.

The United States should stop shipping good jobs abroad. We need them right here in the USA.

ANWR energy production would create between 250,000 and 750,000 good jobs in America, according to expert analyses. A study from the National Defense Council Foundation says the figure could be as high as 1 million new jobs for Americans in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Make Big Oil spend their money here, rather than abroad.

Make America run on American oil.

>>> Create American Jobs!

American economic progress without ANWR oil creates jobs…
In the Middle East!

American Worker

Opening ANWR’s 2000 acres to safe energy exploration would create 1 million new jobs throughout all 50 states.

Consider this:

Exxon-Mobil announced a $12 billion energy investment in Qatar, equivalent to about 360,000 barrels of oil per day. The next day, Shell announced a $5 billion deal with Qatar to convert natural gas to clean-burning diesel, at about 140,000 barrels of oil per day.
That energy is equal to one-half of the energy we would get daily from ANWR.

In just two days, $17 billion in investments went overseas. This money should have been invested in the United States.

Want American Jobs? Open ANWR.