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Gene Expression
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Resources for Genetics, Cell Biology, and Neuroscience
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Gene Expression
Model Organisms
Knowledgebase for Addiction Related Genes (KARG)
Cell Biology
SfN Neuroscience Database
Bibliographic Resources

Microarray Gene Expression Data Society - MGED Society The Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED) Society is an international organisation of biologists, computer scientists, and data analysts that aims to facilitate the sharing of microarray data generated by functional genomics and proteomics experiments.

Minimum information about a microarray experiment - MIAME describes the Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment that is needed to enable the interpretation of the results of the experiment unambiguously and potentially to reproduce the experiment.

ArrayExpress is a public repository for microarray data, which is aimed at storing well annotated data in accordance with MGED recommendations.

G ene E xpression O mnibus (GEO) - is a high-throughput gene expression / molecular abundance data repository, as well as a curated, online resource for gene expression data browsing, query and retrieval. GEO became operational in July 2000.

Microarray Resources

Rosetta Resolver System

The Drug & Alcohol Abuse Microarray Data Consortium is a public database where drug & alcohol abuse researchers can share gene expression data

Allen Brain Atlas Project The Allen Brain Atlas project, named for its founder Paul G. Allen, will combine the disciplines of neuroanatomy and genomics to create the most comprehensive map of the brain at the cellular level, illustrating the functional anatomy of the brain through a collection of gene expression maps, brain circuits and cell locations.

NINDS GENSAT BAC TRANSGENIC PROJECT The Gensat database contains a gene expression atlas of the central nervous system of the mouse based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).

The Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Project - The UK MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh is developing a digital atlas of mouse development and database to be a resource for spatially mapped data such as in situ gene expression and cell lineage. The project is in collaboration with the Section of Biomedical Sciences within the Division of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh . This research programme is the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Project ( emap )

Mouse Genome Informatics Gene Expression Database
Information on mouse gene expression during development including mouse cDNA data (I.M.A.G.E. clones and ESTs) and RT-PCR, RNA, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, Northern and Western blot data. Also includes a searchable index of related research reports.

SageMap - SAGEmap is a SAGE (serial analysis of gene expression) data resource for the query and retrieval and analysis of SAGE data from any organism.

Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP), , provides access to several gene expression resources

Mouse Atlas of Gene Expression 
This project aims to be a quantitative and comprehensive atlas of gene expression in mouse development. More background on this project can be found on the About the Project page.


Any questions or concerns regarding the genetics programs please contact Jonathan D. Pollock Ph.D. (301) 443-1887 or jp183r@nih.gov

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