Notes From the Field

Welcome to the Applied Sciences Program Blog! The NASA Applied Sciences Program works with other government agencies, universities, and non-profit, international, and private sector organizations to extend the benefits of Earth Science research results.

This blog will serve as a venue to update the public on applied sciences projects and exciting outcomes!

Weather: Avoiding Turbulence Weather: Avoiding Turbulence
Posted by John Haynes at 2009/07/20 15:55:00 US/Eastern

A prototype system could provide commercial airline pilots with key weather and turbulence forecasts when flying over remote regions of the ocean where little real- or near-real-time data is available now.

Agriculture: Tracking Drought in Afghanistan Agriculture: Tracking Drought in Afghanistan
Posted by Rory Collins at 2009/06/12 11:35:00 US/Eastern

In 2008, drought struck Afghanistan and nearly destroyed the country’s winter grain crop. Combined with trade disruptions and transport-corridor conflicts, the poor harvest caused local grain prices to skyrocket. Authorities worried that 2009 would repeat the difficulties of 2008, and dry weather lasting from late 2008 through early 2009 increased concern.

Climate Initiatives: Harnessing the Power of the Wind and Sun Climate Initiatives: Harnessing the Power of the Wind and Sun
Posted by Paul Stackhouse at 2009/06/09 11:35:00 US/Eastern

Two new proposals were funded in 2009 through NASA’s Applied Sciences Program that address the growing need for reliable data on our wind and solar resources.

Marshall’s DEVELOP team poster wins first place in UAB’s School of Public Health Research Day Marshall’s DEVELOP team poster wins first place in UAB’s  School of Public Health Research Day
Posted by Sue Estes at 2009/04/21 16:35:00 US/Eastern

Marshall’s DEVELOP student team won first place for their poster presentation at the University of Alabama, Birmingham’s (UAB) School of Public Health first annual public health research day.

POWERing the World POWERing the World
Posted by Paul Stackhouse at 2009/02/05 14:40:00 US/Eastern

Cities and countries around the world are recognizing the need for reduced dependency on traditional sources of energy and are turning to renewable energy technologies for power.

DEVELOP: Using Earth Observations to Help Tigers DEVELOP: Using Earth Observations to Help Tigers
Posted by Gary Geller at 2009/01/06 17:15:00 US/Eastern

The world’s remaining tiger populations exist in small, isolated fragments that are constantly threatened by the hunting of tigers and their prey and from continued loss and degradation of existing tiger habitat. What this has to do with NASA was not immediately evident, until the Tigers Forever (TF) project came across the desk of Gary Geller.

Earth Science Applications and AGU Earth Science Applications and AGU
Posted by Richard Eckman at 2008/12/24 14:20:00 US/Eastern

Years ago, most Earth science researchers analyzed space-based observations and model runs and published their results in scientific journals and presented them at professional society conferences like the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting. When I was asked who our stakeholders were, I would say that Congress was one of the key ones and other policy makers, but without too much conviction. I didn’t think too much about how our science results were used in any practical sense. The situation has changed dramatically during the last 20 years.

Air Quality: Effects of Fires in California Air Quality: Effects of Fires in California
Posted by Colin Seftor at 2008/11/20 13:05:00 US/Eastern

Smoke from the recent outbreak of fires in Southern California can clearly be seen from NASA satellites...

Disaster Management: Identifying Potential Flood Areas after Hurricane Landfall Disaster Management: Identifying Potential Flood Areas after Hurricane Landfall
Posted by Son Van Nghiem at 2008/11/07 15:37:10 US/Eastern

Flooding is one of the most devastating aftermaths of hurricanes after landfall. NASA’s SeaWinds scatterometer, a stable and accurate radar aboard the QuikScat satellite, has a unique capability to identify potential flood areas. This is accomplished by using QuikScat data to map areas where soil moisture increases significantly from precipitation water that reaches to and accumulates on land surface, leading to a saturation condition in soil wetness...