National Weather Service Cooperative Observing Program

Serving the San Francisco Bay Area since 1870
...What's NEW!
...Cooperative Station Information

Panorama Photos our a few of our COOP sites:
San Jose | Oakland | Mount Hamilton | Pinnacles NM

old photo
Many of our COOP weather stations have been in operation for over 100 years. take a tour of our historic images.

photo of mills building
San Francisco Weather Bureau office just after the 1906 Earthquake.

...2004 Cooperative Observer Awards
type of COOP Awards
Past Awards
...COOP Climate Data
Monthly COOP rainfall
Monthly COOP rainfall Archive
2004/05 2006/07          
...COOP Observer Resources
NWS Observing Handbook No. 2 Cooperative Station Observations

Please send any comments or questions about the Cooperative Observing Program to our Cooperative Program Manager: Bob Benjamin