Committee Schedule


Statement of Robert F. Bennett

Hearing: Organizational Meeting
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, and I certainly echo and associate myself with your comments with respect to Senator Feinstein and her staff. This was as pleasurable a committee assignment as I have had in the Senate and as congenial a relationship as I have had with a chairman. I want to look forward to the same relationship with you. I think our personal friendship suggests that that will be the case, even when we may disagree on policy issues.

I say welcome to the new members. The Rules Committee is an interesting committee. It has an interesting jurisdiction and I think particularly with respect to some of the election issues, it might turn out to be one of the more stimulating experiences you have in this Congress.

So we welcome you and appreciate your participation. With that, Mr. Chairman, I am prepared to proceed with the agenda where we adopt our rules for the year.