USGS, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
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Logo Recent Earthquakes in Hawai`i

HI Index Map
There are 23 earthquakes on this index map.
Click on an earthquake on the map above to zoom in.

NOTE: Recent episodic tremor activity at Kilauea's summit has produced some erroneous Kilauea summit area earthquake locations and magnitudes on the recent earthquakes page. These earthquakes were removed after review by analysts. Remember, locations and magnitudes on this page are preliminary unless noted otherwise.

NEW! Click HERE to view these earthquakes using Google Earth.

Did you feel it? - Report an Earthquake
Special maps - Maui County || O`ahu || Kaua`i County

Lists of M > 3 earthquakes and of all earthquakes appearing on the above map.
Big earthquake list
|| All earthquake list

Try to reload this page if you do not have the most current map.
Maps are updated within about 5 minutes of an earthquake and once an hour.
Locations and magnitudes are preliminary unless reviewed by a scientist.
Brown lines indicate faults and other geologic features.
White lines are roads.

These "Recent Earthquakes" pages contain the last two weeks of Hawai`i earthquakes. For older earthquake information, see the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS) catalog. skip links to
other information

Other Information:

How do earthquakes get on these maps? || FAQs || Disclaimer
Earthquakes elsewhere in the U.S. and around the world
HVO home page || Other earthquake sites || Credits

Data Sources:

U.S. Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
... a member of the skip past ANSS data 
source link Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS)

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
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The Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes University of Hawaii at Hilo